
The Art of Peaceful Living

A journey to find harmony and peace through meditation practices.

Our Beliefs

Where there’s a will, there’s away. We believe that everyone can reach enlightenment. Our goal is for our students to find their definition of “what meditation means to them.”
Inner peace can only occur when one is willing to grow. For self-enlightenment, you must take the time to understand who you are; only then will you be able to begin the journey to peace.

Take it one breath at a time

What is Meditation

Meditation is when an individual uses an approach – for example focusing on a specific object, thought, or action – to coach oneself into attaining clarity and peace (also known as mindfulness).

Benefits of Self-Care

Meditation can offer a variety of health benefits that range from managing emotions such as fear, anxiety, and pain to understanding the connection between mind, body and spirit.

Types of Meditation

There are hundreds, if not, thousands of types of meditation. There is no right answer when asking “What is the best type of meditation.” The goal is to find the right practice for you.

Miracle of Life

“There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.”

Tara Brach

“Just as the good life is something beyond the pleasant life, the meaningful life is beyond the good life.”

Martin Seligman

A new perspective can change everything

“The essence of bravery is being without self-deception.” -Pema Chödrön

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